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Wednesday 18 March 2015

Spinning with wool

What a great night out I have last night. I was quite surprised to get an invite with some local enthusiasts. Light-painting is something I've always been interested in but never really gone out and done it. I have always been a lone shooter and personally, Light-painting is something that requires a few people. So when I got the invite to go I couldn't decline the offer.

Photography is more fun when you go as group in this case there were 4 of us including myself.

The original plan was to go to the local river and wool spin inside the old concrete boat (visit here to find out more) http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/local/all-news/concrete-boat-is-part-of-shipbuilding-heritage-1-1153177.

But as the tide wasn't right we had to think of a new location. I knew of a place in Sunderland that would be perfect for this type of photography. There is an old abandoned farm and on the farm is a old barn, I had been up there before to take photos but never to Light-paint or in this case Wool spin.

We arrived just before sunset as it was light enough to check the place out and decide and prepare for what we were about to do!

I was advised to go to the local DIY store to get wire wool. I bought medium grade and it was rubbish. It was a good job that everyone else had fine grade-the fine grade worked really well, it lit up straight away and we were ready to rock and roll.

This was shot by myself and spun by another person, We tried a double wool spin, hence the 2 rings going. [shot at 30"- F8 - iso 250 @ 10mm using the Sigma 10-20]

We started the the night off by lighting up the wool first, we needed a test shot before it got really dark. I shot in bulb mode at F10 iso 200, and these settings worked well for me, so I stuck to them most of the evening.

For the people that have never done this before, just stuff the wool into the whisk, light it and spin it, or create an orb, and even a helicopter, BE CREATIVE

We tried a few other shots with light rather than doing spinning all night, 

Not my best orb, its a bit all over the pace but still, I'm no expert in painting with light. heres the settings I used.
[shot at 28"- F10 - iso 200 @ 18mm using the Sigma 10-20]

If you have never done this type of photography before, I would recommend you to go out and give it a go. It is all trial and error and don't get down hearted if it doesn't work first time. EVERYONE HAS TO START SOMEWHERE! WHY NOT NOW?

Ive uploaded some of my images to my Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/lewisbrownphotography/with/16228550523/ 

Feel free to check them out, Alternatively visit my Facebook page 

Here are a few shot of the night, ENJOY!

From left to right, ME, Darrin Carlisle, Anthony Taylor and Alan P Thompson

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